THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 17 1987 Apr 21 20.41UT. TAV 0723-03 G.Hurst reports that he has detected pre-discovery images of this object on films of the UK patrol for 1982. Checks of 1977-1981 for 11 dates showed no star to magnitude 10.0 but the following positive estimates were obtained: (Tri-X 135mmFL shots): 1982 Jan 20, 10.0 (Poole,weak image). 27, 9.8 (Poole) 27, 9.8 (Grills) Mar 17, 10.0 (Poole) 23, 10.2 (Grills) 26, 10.2 (Grills) B.Manning reports the following precise position: RA 7h23m12s.25 DEC -3 00'22".0 (1950). R.McNaught relays preliminary photometry: Apr 8,V=9.45; 9, 9.48; 11. 9.54; 19, 9.54 S.Lubbock, Bridgend has telephoned to say that on Apr 20 at 21.00UT the star had faded to 9.8 (0.44-m reflector). Further nightly estimates are needed. Supernova 1987A Recent estimates: Apr 11.40, 3.4 (Seargent, NSW); 12.38, 3.5 (McNaught, Siding Spring); 15.45, 3.4(Beresford, Adelaide). Since these results, McNaught mentions the star has brightened to 3.2 by Apr 20 but no further details are available yet. orts that he has detected pre-discov