THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 315 1989 Jul 05 19.21UT. Telecom Gold 72:MAG60138 JANET:GMH at UK.AC.RO-GREENWICH.STARLINK Ed:Guy M Hurst, 16, Westminster Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke, Hants, RG22 4PP, England. Telephone:(0256)471074.Int:+44256471074 Telex:265871(MONREF G) Quote"72:MAG60138 ATT G.HURST"in FIRST line. ------------------------------------------------------------------- OCCULTATION BY TITAN Numerous observers report successful observation of this event and it is impossible to publish individual results here. Please send written reports to Chris Lord, Planetary Editor of TA with a copy to A.J.Hollis, Ansteys Lea, Clay Lane, Marton, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 2QE who is collating data for the BAA. It is apparent the track shifted north from the second prediction by Wasserman giving a very long duration event ( in excess of 4 minutes) for Europe. The occultation by Titan's atmosphere has yielded times of about 30-45 sec on each side but the most significant event was a definite central flash apparently lasting 2-4 seconds and giving an increase of about 1.5 magnitudes. This has been confirmed by video recordings which are now being analysed. Guy M Hurst