THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 35 1987 Jul 01  06.00UT.
Telecom Gold 72:MAG60138
Ed:Guy M Hurst, 16, Westminster Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke,
Hants, RG22 4PP, England. Telephone:(0256)471074.Int:+44256471074
Telex:265871(MONREF G) Quote"72:MAG60138 ATT G.HURST"in FIRST line.
Outburst of VY Aquarii

John Isles, Limassol, Cyprus, telephones a report that he has
observed an outburst of VY Aqr which is located at:
RA 21h09m08s DEC -09 01'.9 (1950).
His estimates are:
June 30.947UT, 13.3; July 1.045, 12.1.(0.12-m SC).
In response to our e-mail alert issued 870630 at 23.03UT Rob
McNaught reports:
"I observed VY Aqr on June 30 at 12.38UT, fainter than 15. Last
observations June 28 at 16.05UT fainter than 15.5.
Note that the 1984 Dec outburst was very fast. This is an SU UMa
from photometry by Bond of the 1986 outburst, and the 1983 and 1986
outbursts were clearly supermax, that of 1986 showed superhumps
whereas the 1984 was a normal max, above mag 14 for only 5 days."
Guy M Hurst