THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 66 1987 Sept 27 14.02UT.
Telecom Gold 72:MAG60138
Ed:Guy M Hurst, 16, Westminster Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke,
Hants, RG22 4PP, England. Telephone:(0256)471074.Int:+44256471074
Telex:265871(MONREF G) Quote"72:MAG60138 ATT G.HURST"in FIRST line.
Nova in LMC
Further visual estimates by Rob McNaught:
1987 Sept 25.419, 13.7; 25.519, 13.6; 25.646, 13.7
Provisional investigation of UKST plates by M.Hartley and A.Savage
show no pre-nova candidate to mag 19.
McNaught indicates that t3 is about 4.5 days and he believes this
is the fastest and brightest nova so far seen in the Magellanic
Clouds.There have now been 5 novae observed in the SE end of the
bar, showing a preference in this region for novae outbursts.

TAV 0723-03 (cf E-circular 17)
Martin Mobberley, Bury St. Edmunds, reports that he photographed