THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 8 1987 Feb 24 21.58UT. Supernova in Large Magellanic Cloud=1987A R.McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, Australia has telephoned to report the discovery of a supernova in the LMC found by Shelton and Duhalde at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile and independently by Albert Jones in New Zealand. McNaught provides the following precise position: RA 5h35m50s.12 DEC -69d17'58".0 (1950). Shelton reports the object was of mag 4.5 on 1987 Feb 24.333UT. McNaught also gives the following observations made today(Feb 24): 10.56UT 4.8; 11.20, 4.8: 16.18, 4.5; 16.48, 4.5; 17.12, 4.4; 17.30, 4.5. McNaught has found the object prediscovery on films taken with 85mm FL lens: Feb 23.443, 6.0; 23.445, 6.2. Nothing appeared different in the field on a photo of Feb 22.465UT to mag 12.5. G.Garradd also reports that no change in the field was detected on a picture of Feb 22 to 14.5. McNaught suggests that the object may be identical with a mag 12 star which is very blue. This is possibly a foreground galactic star or possibly a Wolf Rayet Object. rge Magellanic Cloud=1987A R.McNaught, Sidin