THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 178 1988 July 10 09.46UT.
Telecom Gold 72:MAG60138
Ed:Guy M Hurst, 16, Westminster Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke,
Hants, RG22 4PP, England. Telephone:(0256)471074.Int:+44256471074
Telex:265871(MONREF G) Quote"72:MAG60138 ATT G.HURST"in FIRST line.
John Bortle, Stormville, NY, USA, reports that this R CrB-type star
is fading. On 1988 July 3 he estimated it at 14.3v.   IAUC 4624

The star is located at:
RA 18h21m12s DEC -24 17.1'(1950)
and has a catalogued range in the GCVS of 11.3-15.0B although other
light variations of up to 1.5 mags have been noted in a 37.5-day

C.Pollas, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, reports his discovery on
a IIIa-J plate exposed with the CERGA Schmidt of a possible SN at:
RA 16h31m30.05s DEC +34 54'34.4" (1950)
placing it 0.9"E and 4.6"S of the nucleus of an anon galaxy.
On July 5.91UT, the magnitude was approx 18.          IAUC 4623

Rob McNaught, Australia, e-mails that Rev.R.Evans has reported a
suspected supernova in NGC 3655 which is located:
RA 11h20.3m DEC +16 51'(1950).
The object was observed on July 7.37UT and 8.4 as a mag 14.0 star
in the SE quadrant about 15" from the nucleus.
Although the Reference Catalogue of Galaxies notes there is a star
7" from the nucleus, Bob Evans states this has not been previously
seen and the present appearance of the galaxy is different to
Further observations of this galaxy and object are urgently
required. Please e-mail results to the Editor.

AS 296
Further to the announcement on E-177, Rob McNaught notes that this
red star appears to be in outburst on Atlas Stellarum and Falkauer.
Numerous UKST plates 1979-1986 suggest only very small variability
around minimum.
The earlier request for patrollers to search their past photos
is repeated. Please e-mail positive or negative results.

Tony Tanti of Malta now has a direct telex number available:
1292 Answerback MLAEC.
Please mark messages for the attention of 'TONY TANTI'.

Guy M Hurst