------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 2255 2006 Aug 19 15.39UT Ed:Guy M Hurst, 16,Westminster Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke, Hants, RG22 4PP,England.Telephone/FAX(01256)471074Int:+441256471074 INTERNET: GUY@TAHQ.DEMON.CO.UK Backup: gmh@wdcc1.bnsc.rl.ac.uk WORLD WIDE WEB http://www.theastronomer.org ------------------------------------------------------------------- BF CYGNI Pat Abbott (AAP) reported on the AAVSO newsgroup seeing the possible Z-And type variable BF Cygni bright at magnitude 10.5 on August 13. Subsequently, Mike Gainsford apparently independently reported on the BAAVSS group that his observation on 2006 August 17 (21.41UT) made it magnitude 10.3. He last observed it on July 27 at magnitude 11.7. U. Munari et. al., Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Padova Astronomical Observatory and others report on CBET 596 that the symbiotic nova BF Cyg is on a rapid rise to a large-amplitude outburst. They further add that it took a whole century for BF Cyg to return toward quiescence following the outburst that peaked at B = 9.7 in 1894 (2006, MNRAS 366, 675). The authors have tightly monitored the object as part of the ANS Collaboration and have found the brightness of BF Cyg to be stable during 2006 around the mean values U = 11.64, B = 12.50, V = 11.84, R_c = 10.45, I_c = 9.37. However, on July 31 the star started brightening, slowly at first and now much faster. The last measured values are U = 9.69, B = 10.34, V = 9.89, R_c = 9.31, I_c = 8.63 on Aug. 14.94 UT, and V = 9.75, R_c = 9.27, I_c = 8.59 on Aug. 15.86. The last time that BF Cyg was seen this bright in the blue was around 1925, during its decline from the 1898 eruption. Preliminary AAVSO charts can be found at: http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/searchcharts3.pl although it is believed this sequence needs revision and that measures made by Brian Skiff some considerable time ago may assist. As always please retain your full estimates for possible re-reduction. Guy M Hurst