------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ASTRONOMER Electronic Circular No 2365 2007 Aug 11 16.00UT Ed:Guy M Hurst, 16,Westminster Close, Kempshott Rise, Basingstoke, Hants, RG22 4PP,England.Telephone/FAX(01256)471074Int:+441256471074 INTERNET: GUY@TAHQ.DEMON.CO.UK Backup: gmh@wdcc1.bnsc.rl.ac.uk WORLD WIDE WEB http://www.theastronomer.org ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVA VULPECULAE 2007 C. Buil, Castanet, France, writes on IAUC 8862 that a spectrogram of the possible nova reported on TA E-Circular 2364, obtained on Aug. 9.91 UT with a 0.28-m telescope (+ Lhires spectrograph; resolution 6800 at H_alpha), shows evident H_alpha with a deep P-Cyg profile and a FWHM of 1750 km/s (+/- 80 km/s); the intensity of the H_alpha peak intensity is 2.4 times that of the local 670-nm continuum. M. Fujii, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan, reports that a low-dispersion spectrogram (range 375-833 nm; resolution about 1 nm) of the apparent nova was obtained on Aug. 9.48 UT with a 0.28-m reflector; the spectrum shows H_alpha, H_beta, H_gamma, and He I 447.2-, 471.3-,492.2-, 501.5-, 587.6-, 667.8-, and 706.5-nm emissions with P-Cyg profiles (H_alpha FWHM = 1900 km/s). These emissions suggest that the variable is indeed a classical nova. Editor: A chart to FINDERS format was also issued on 2007 August 10 via Charts and Sequences Notes No 0126. A WORD version with a preliminary sequence is also available via e-mail from the editor on request. SUPERNOVA 2007gi IN NGC 4036 Discovery by K. Itagaki, Japan of a possible supernova (CBET 1017): SN 2006 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset 2007gi Jly 31.49 12 01 23.42 +61 53 33.8 16.3 23" W,11"S The discovery was made with a 0.60-m f/5.7 reflector on unfiltered CCD frames. Further magnitudes from Itagaki suggest the object is still brightening and deserves close monitoring: Aug 1.468UT, 15.9; 2.471, 15.5. A. Harutyunyan et. al., Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova and others report on CBET 1021 that a spectrum obtained on Aug. 4.90 UT with the 3.5-m TNG shows it to be a type-Ia supernova well before maximum. PERSEID METEORS 2007 P. Jenniskens, SETI Institute, reports on CBET 1019 that the Perseid meteors from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle should peak at ZHR = 80 +/- 20 meteors/hr on 2007 Aug. 13d 10h UT. Jenniskens adds that a possible encounter with a younger filament component is expected around Aug. 13d04h, with a FWHM = 1.0 hr; this younger filament is an accumulation of many trails over a period of time, thought to be dust moving in mean-motion resonances and being mostly responsible for the Perseid outbursts of the 1989-1997 period. Peak activity cannot yet be predicted reliably. Also, I. Sato has identified a weak encounter with the 1479 dust trail of comet 109P on Aug. 12d22h55m. E. Lyytinen calculates a peak time at Aug. 13d00h27m, while J. Vaubaillon has the peak at Aug. 12d22h42m and an estimated duration of FWHM = 0.49 hr. Jenniskens estimates a peak rate of only about ZHR = 20 meteors per hour for this dust-trail encounter, which occurs on top of the stronger annual shower activity. Guy M Hurst